Three key elements are part of the governance of the network:
- Learn4dev is steered by a Core Group composed of representatives from member organizations.
- Each member organisation appoints a Focal Point that will be the link between the Core Group and member organisations (in both directions).
- A communication team is responsible for specific communication activities to support the network.
How do we work together?
- Members are committed to the framework and objectives of the Agenda 2030 and to the alignment and harmonisation of development services.
- Economies of scale are used to maximise value for money.
- Learn4dev is an open and flexible network in which all can contribute, and personal involvement matters.
- The contributions of members and member organisations (time and resources) are voluntary but key to the existence of the network.
- Participation in learn4dev is possible by engaging in learning initiatives (discussions, webinars, knowledge sharing,…), attending and/or contributing to the Annual Meeting, taking on a role as Focal point, being part of the Core Group.
- All jointly developed learning materials are available as public goods.